Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Westport Associates, Inc. have a deep personal and professional commitment to deinstitutionalization and to the principles of normalization, personalism, and life sharing. They endeavor to lead an agency that is a small, personal, and truly community-based that enables people with developmental disabilities to create and maintain real homes, find and build lasting and meaningful relationships, and develop the skills necessary to become fully participating, valued members of their community with control over their lives and futures.

The agency was incorporated in 1980 and is overseen by this Board of Directors who are committed to providing the necessary support, nurturing, and acceptance to enable people with disabilities to participate in human solidarity, mutuality, and interdependence. The Board Members, come with their own areas of expertise, ranging from teaching, social work, occupational therapy, nursing, banking, and mental health counseling. But most importantly, they have a direct history with the individuals we support whether by previous employment with the agency or as family or friends of the individuals. It is felt that “personalism” starts from the top and all Board Members share our mission and principles by sharing their homes, their time, and their hearts with those that we support.